Friday, April 20, 2012

Speed racer!

It's been over a week since my last post and a lot has changed at the house! Brad and I made some decisions about the kitchens and bathrooms but still have a few to make. We are picking out tile, carpet and our backsplash tomorrow.

We have been getting out to the house every few days to see the progress and boy has there been a lot of it! In the past 9-days we have seen some major changes occur. They started and completed the framing, started on the roof and have it ready for shingles, started and mostly completed the siding, prepped for brick on the front of the house and got all the doors and windows in. They also started plumbing and installed the hall bath tub on the inside. I think the biggest difference was between the 18 and 19th because it basically went from a shell to really looking like a home. It's been amazing and fun to watch!

Decisions still to make: 
Flooring - scheduled for tomorrow (Saturday)
Lights - soon, maybe weekend after this one
Selecting our granite slabs - next week, still to be scheduled
Landscaping - probably not till June

Things we are watching for: 
Roof to be completed
Garage door to be added
Cabinet maker to chalk out cabinet layout
Brick work to begin
Siding to be finished

Have ride this has been so far! Can't wait for more!

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